Displaying 1 of 1 2018 Title: Chester Nez and the unbreakable code : a Navajo code talker's story / Joseph Bruchac, pictures by Liz Amini-Holmes. Author: Bruchac, Joseph, 1942- author. Call Number: j940.548673 Nez Publisher, Date: Chicago, Illinois : Albert Whitman & Company, [2018] ©2018 Description: 1 volume (unpaged) : color illustrations ; 27 cm Summary: "As a boy, Chester Nez was taught his native language and culture were useless, but he was later called on to use his Navajo language to help create an unbreakable military code during WWII"-- Provided by publisher. Subjects: Nez, Chester -- Juvenile literature. Nez, Chester. Nez, Chester. United States. Marine Corps -- Biography -- Juvenile literature. United States. Marine Corps. World War (1939-1945) 1939-1945 Navajo code talkers -- Biography -- Juvenile literature. World War, 1939-1945 -- Cryptography -- Juvenile literature. World War, 1939-1945 -- Personal narratives, American -- Juvenile literature. World War, 1939-1945 -- Participation, Indian -- Juvenile literature. Marines -- United States -- Biography -- Juvenile literature. Navajo Indians -- Biography -- Juvenile literature. Cryptography. Marines. Military participation -- Indian. Navajo code talkers. Navajo Indians. JUVENILE NONFICTION / Biography & Autobiography / Cultural Heritage. JUVENILE NONFICTION / History / Military & Wars. JUVENILE NONFICTION / History / United States / 20th Century. Navajo Indians. Navajo language. Navajo code talkers. United States. Children's core collection. Genre: Biography. Personal narratives -- American. Other Author: Amini-Holmes, Liz illustrator. Other Title: Navajo code talker's story ISBN: 9780807500071 0807500070 Place Hold Add to My List Expand All | Collapse All Similar titles Where Is It? Large Cover Image Librarian's View Displaying 1 of 1